Conference Call

Submission Deadline: February 29, 2024, 12 pm
Acceptance/Rejection emails will be sent out in February 2024.

The 3rd “Within and Beyond the Classroom” International Conference of Istanbul Technical University School of Foreign Languages will be held in Istanbul, Türkiye, between May 31-June 1, 2024. The theme of the conference is “The Future of Language Education: Adapting to a Changing Landscape.”

In the dynamic and complex landscape of the 21st century, the evolution of language education is imperative, mirroring the constant innovations and changes across various domains. As educators, we find ourselves intricately woven into the fabric of both local and global social movements, each presenting novel opportunities and challenges for the field of education. In this regard, foreign language education has assumed a pioneering role in driving innovations within the realm of education and pedagogy. Learning styles, goals, and contexts rapidly and constantly mutate; therefore, applied linguistics need to attend to relevant issues including but not limited to foreign language education, new instructional technologies including AI, diversity, inclusion, and sustainability to offer meaningful language education and share good practices among educators as well as educational leaders.

The 2024 conference invites presenters to share innovative research findings toward a more dynamic future. The annual conference draws a wide range of speakers from both national and international platforms, fostering in-depth and engaging dialogues through the medium of academic papers. Additionally, it provides insightful keynote presentations, impressive book displays, and abundant chances for building professional connections.

We invite proposals in the subsequent thematic categories:
Analysis of Discourse and Interaction (DIS)
Assessment and Evaluation (ASE)
Bilingualism (BIL)
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Corpus Linguistics (COR)
Inclusive Education (IE)
Language Education and Sustainability (LES)
Language Education and Technology (TEC)
Language, Culture, and Socialization (LCS)
Language Education Leadership and Management (LEL)
Language Planning and Policy (LPP)
Multilingualism (MUL)
Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA)
Reading, Writing, and Literacy (RWL)
Research Methodology (REM)
Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy (PED)
Second Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition (SLA)
Sociolinguistics (SOC)
Teacher Education, Beliefs, and Identities (TED)
Teaching of Languages other than English (TLE)
Text Analysis (Written Discourse) (TXT)
Vocabulary and Lexical Studies (VOC)